Customer Stories

Extra space delivered quickly for the students in Tiirismaa school

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Due to problems with indoor air quality in the permanent buildings, Tiirismaa school in Lahti, Finland has been operating in Adapteo modular facilities since 2016. For this year, the school needed more space due to an increased number of students. As a solution for the need of extra space, the old one-floor building was replaced with a new two-floor building, constructed of the module type C90+, with total area of 1600 m2. The new premises were delivered to the school straight from the factory right before the start of the school year, in mid-August 2018.

Tiirismaa School operates entirely in Adapteo’s school buildings At the moment, Tiirismaa school operates entirely in facilities delivered by Adapteo. The school now has three buildings of the type C80, one C90+ type building and two other Adapteo buildings in use. Students from pre-school to 9th grade study in the same school building, so the facilities are to serve the needs of students of different age groups.

The new permanent school building is scheduled to be completed in 2023, and Tiirismaa school will operate in the Adapteo modules until then.