
We are Adapters

We embrace change. We bring flexibility to an ever-changing world. We are humble, innovative problem solvers. We dare to think outside [and inside] the box. We make societies thrive with future generations in mind. We do it together – always with sustainability at heart.

We are [not so square] thinkers. To make it [super short], we are Adapters.


Our way

Better together

Together, we make both each other and our company better. By being friendly and supportive we have created a collaborative atmosphere built on trust. What sets us apart from others is our dedication to what we do and how we make it happen. We have established an inclusive culture, where we support each other and share our knowledge. We can always reach out if we need a helping hand. Together – that is how we bring value and success.

Our mindset

Power to adapt

Adaptability is not just the core of our business, it is also our main philosophy. Being part of our journey means embracing flexibility, finding solutions, being proactive, and always looking for new opportunities. We work in a fast-paced environment, and we make things happen faster than most. Since sustainability is essential to us, both in what we deliver but also in the culture of the workplace, we enable a healthy work-life balance while racing at top speed.

Our ambition

Hunger for growth

We are frontrunners in our industry, aiming to innovate with sustainability at heart. With an open mind, we create new and unexpected solutions for an adaptable future. We are never standing still – always developing our skills through a variety of challenges and interesting projects. On our growth journey ahead, there will be many exciting opportunities to be seized – and we intend to have fun while doing it.

Our purpose

Helping society thrive

We are committed to a higher purpose – building adaptable societies in an ever-changing world. With our circular business model, we contribute to making people thrive, learn and heal. While improving everyday life for the end-user, we always do it with great respect for the environment. By adapting quickly, scaling up and down our buildings, repurposing and reusing them, we’re making a difference in people’s lives and society at large.
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Join our [not so square] team

At Adapteo we are approximately 600 people who like to work together. By using our different skills, backgrounds, coffee preferences, and personalities – we create great value for future generations. But enough said about us – right now we’re more interested in you.