Customer Stories

A quick process helped Laholm solve a lack of capacity in elderly care

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After an extraordinary fast working process together with Adapteo, Laholm’s municipality now has increased its capacity with 40 new rooms at in its elderly care. This was much needed. An investigation showed that renovating the old nursing home in Våxtorp would not be financially sustainable, and while a new permanent home was being built, a safe and suitable solution was needed.

"The result ended up being very good. In my opinion, it is just as nice, and fulfills its purpose just as well, like any new, permanent building. The staff is very happy. It is a much better working environment than before, n. Not least in terms of ventilation and space." – Susanne Andreasson, unit manager at the nursing home Båstadsvägen 7A in Laholm.

The old nursing home in Våxtorp had seen better days. That was the conclusion of both the inspection from the rescue services and the municipality´s review. But building a new permanent home would mean a long process that requires both time and resources. The staff and residents needed a solution with new, modern premises to live and work in before a permanent solution could be in place.

While awaiting a decision on a permanent new nursing home, Adapteo’s adaptable buildings provided a perfect solution. After a decision was made at the end of 2019, the first new buildings came into place around the turn of the month February, March 2020, and on the 15th of June, the first residents moved in.

"This project was implemented in record time, and everything has worked well, even if we had a very tight schedule at the end. It went well throughout the entire process, from the decision was made, until the building was completed", says Frank Bylund, technical manager at the municipal real estate company Laholmshem.

Even if there was a fast process, there were no compromises on the design. The staff was involved at an early stage and have been able to see drawings and present their views. The final result was buildings well adapted to the activities carried out in the facilities, including certain needs such as washing and rinsing areas for each department and rails in the roof for passenger lifts.

"Adapteo's adaptable buildings have delivered on their promise. Cooling and ventilation have worked very well, even during the hot season", says Frank Bylund, technical manager at the municipal real estate company Laholmshem.

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