Customer Stories

A flexible solution became the perfect choice for Öresundskraft

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While Öresundskraft was renovating their head offices, they needed a temporary office solution for their 250 employees, customers, and visitors. Thanks to adaptable and flexible buildings from Adapteo, they now sit in a cozy office landscape, very similar to what the company has envisioned for their newly renovated office.

“Adapteo was very accommodating throughout our collaboration, not least when we came up with our extra requests. They even said: We can learn from this if there are customers with similar needs in the future. This is the kind of attitude you value as a customer,” concludes Jesper Baaring, Project Manager at Öresundskraft.

Öresundskraft is a company owned by the City of Helsingborg, Sweden with the main task of providing the municipality’s residents with electricity, broadband, district heating, and more. The company’s head office in Helsingborg needed renovation.

“Our office was built in 1993 according to the principles that prevailed at the time. Now we wanted to rebuild the office so that it promotes a modern, activity-based way of working”, says Jesper Baaring, project manager at Öresundskraft.

The project group at Öresundskraft who was commissioned with the task of solving the issue of where to locate the office premises during the reconstruction carried out the project thoroughly. At first, different solutions were weighed against each other. Would you rent temporary premises in the city, or find another solution?

"Our choice fell on a temporary, adaptable solution", says Jesper Baaring. "In this way, we were able to continue to use parts of the premises, and customers did not need to learn a new address when visiting us. We were also able to tailor the adaptable building so that they had the same open floor plan that we will use in our new office", he continues.

The procurement was made via The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), according to the requirements profile from Öresundskraft as specific requests such as acoustics, heating, air quality, cooling, and so on. When these parameters were weighed in, Adapteo’s flexible solution became the winning one.

The result became 2000 m2 of office space that was built entirely according to Öresundskraft’s wishes, and which in many ways has exceeded the staff’s hopes for a pleasant, cozy environment with good acoustics, light, and indoor environment.

This was achieved by, among other things, using glass doors, sound-dampening carpets, and an energy-efficient heat pump solution.

Thanks to the flexibility of the buildings, it has been possible to choose a floor plan that gives employees a taste of the open activity-adapted surfaces that the newly renovated office will offer.

"Adapteo was very accommodating throughout our collaboration, not least when we came up with our extra requests. They even said: We can learn from this if there are customers with similar needs in the future. This is the kind of attitude you value as a customer," concludes Jesper Baaring.

Want to learn more about adaptable buildings?

Please contact us for more information or any guidance on your needs. We will find the ideal solution to your specific buildings needs.
