Customer Stories

Quick summer builds in Härryda

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Like many other municipalities, Härryda Municipality outside Gothenburg has difficulty in predicting the influx of students to its schools. For this reason, temporary school facilities are occasionally the solution.

Over two summers, Adapteo was tasked with building additional classrooms and facilities for two schools in the municipality. Construction took place in the summer breaks and the facilities were ready to use at the start of the autumn term. Djupedal School received a building with three additional classrooms, a group work room, and toilets. Furuhäll School received an after-school facility with two large rooms, toilets, and a group room.

“Adapteo was responsible for the drawings, construction and specialist consultants for, among other things, fire safety,” explains Anders Johansson, Project Manager, Härryda Municipality. “We had our own site contractors and we personally oversaw electrical and IT installations."

"I am very pleased with all the work Adapteo carried out."

“These were standard builds with only a few minor adjustments. All that was needed was to adapt stairs and ramps to the ground conditions, and Adapteo solved this superbly. I am very pleased with all the work they carried out. Everything went according to plan and the results were appreciated. The staff are very happy with their new, temporary school buildings.”