Customer Stories

Customer Stories - Stavsborgsskolan in Sweden

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Stavsborgsskolan expands its operations as Nacka municipality grows

Nacka is becoming part of the City of Stockholm, a process that, among other things, requires increased capacity at the municipality’s schools. At Stavsborgsskolan in Älta, work to expand school activities is in full swing. The school, which currently houses about 650 students, will almost double its capacity by demolishing the existing school to build larger ones. The new school is expected to be completed in 2023, and a temporary building solution is needed for the students during the project.

"They should be commended for the fact that they had the power to take on the assignment with such a tight schedule." – Sandra Davidsson, construction project manager at Nacka Municipality.

The project got off to a challenging start. The procurement of a temporary school could not occur until planning permission was granted, which meant that the timeframe would be very tight. This raised concerns that the municipality would be without a tender, but the needs turned out to be met by Adapteo. “They should be commended for the fact that they had the power to take on the assignment with such a tight schedule”, says Sandra Davidsson, construction project manager at Nacka Municipality.

Another challenge in the project was to get enough power to the land area, which required extensive logistics work. At the same time, other construction projects have also been underway in Älta that need a lot of co-planning and coordination from the municipality. With the adaptability of both the municipality and contractors, craftsmen and suppliers, the project could proceed one step at a time.

“Everyone has been very solution-oriented and adaptable to reality,” says Sandra Davidsson.

The students from Stavsborgsskolan have now moved into the school building. The temporary school consisted of three floors and has been equipped with, among other things, lesson rooms for home knowledge, NO and handicrafts. Sandra Davidsson feels that the project has been both fun and challenging and leaves as the final word:

“I would still say that everyone has helped to ensure that the project has been completed, working across borders in a way that I think no one had expected in the first place. So it’s been going very well!”